Save the date! Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC is putting together a very special programme for the Poblenou Open Night 2018, organized by Poblenou Urban District. The Maker and Design District of Poblenou is putting on its party dress for one night only. Next Friday 23rd of November, from 19h to 22h, the Institute will open its doors to the general public offering the possibility to visit our facilities and take part in a number of free activities.

riday 23rd of November will also be Black Friday and Fab City, Fab Labs and Greenpeace are teaming up to fight over-consumption around the Globe. Stay in touch and discover soon the activities – including Digital Fabrication, FabTextiles demos and more – that will be proposed by our Fab Lab Barcelona. The general programme of the Poblenou Urban District Open Night is available here: http://www.poblenouurbandistrict.com

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